Typescript Gulp Babel Boilerplate with a small router implementation.
Source code at GitHub: https://github.com/massimorofi/ts_boilerplate
Example of minimal Typescript template. Mainly written to explore plain vanilla TS/JS solutions for common needs like routing ... without leveraging any existing frameworks (like Angular or React).
This boilerplate is still quite experimental but feel to use it. To get started just clone this repository and then:
- npm install
- npm run watch
The Gulp build expects a directory structure under src like the one below.
│ └───data
│ └───routing
There are two main build tasks:
- build (default) that run the build and produces the output on ./dist/
- watch which after calling build starts an HTML server from ./dist/ (for development purpose only)
An example of usage can be found at: www.geokei.com
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